Perfect Characteristics of Affiliate Marketing
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
There are hundreds of stories about ambitious people who quit their jobs to start businesses in their garages, worked 80-hour weeks, sold their companies and wound up rich. This isn't one of them. Instead, this is about the growing number of average people who are spending their leisure hours selling hobbies and services on home computers and the Internet. With full-time salaries stretched thin and the cost of necessities rising, more people are looking for low-risk ways to earn extra income. "The Web is a great place to shop and spend money, but it's pretty great for making money too.
At the heart of every company that makes healthy profitsevery day is an affiliate marketing manager that ensures that affiliates aroundthe world are selling their products and services automatically. Affiliate marketingis a huge part of a business plan, and the affiliate marketing manager is theone who keeps everything running.
So, what are the perfect characteristics of affiliate marketing?
Well, first of all, the perfect affiliate marketing managerhas to be able to talk to people face to face and on the phone. Affiliatemanagers are the face of the company when they go to conferences and anywhereelse where there’s contact with potential affiliates. They must be able to sellthemselves and their company to affiliates and persuade them to promote theirproduct.
The perfect affiliate marketing manager must be able toprovide whatever tools and services affiliates need to make as many sales aspossible. They realize that, in general, most marketers are lazy and don’t wantto do a lot of work to promote your product. Therefore, affiliate marketingmanagers must provide tools such as banner ads, emails, and text ads to theaffiliate to make it as easy as possible.
Another reason the perfect affiliate marketing manager mustbe a good “people person” is because he must be able to motivate affiliates tokeep selling their products. The affiliate marketing manager either callspotential affiliates on the phone or devises incentives such as bonuses or arefund of part of the commission to keep affiliates motivated. It can be atough job since most affiliate partners have busy lives, but the dividends ofincreased affiliate sales are well worth it.
One thing the affiliate marketing manager knows very well isthat, when the affiliates are happy, then they will keep promoting products.Therefore the job of the affiliate marketing manager is to keep everyone happyas possible so they keep promoting.
In addition, the affiliate marketing manager knows theimportance of having a good affiliate marketing process for the company. Itworks well both ways: the affiliate makes money without having to createhis/her own product, and the affiliate marketing manager’s company makes moneyon autopilot with minimal marketing.
If you are starting out in online marketing, you’ll be ableto be your own affiliate marketing manager. But as your business grows and youneed to hire employees, a good affiliate marketing manager can bring extraprofits to your company___even while you sleep or are on vacation with the kids.
About the Author:
To find the best Affiliate business so you can start making real money visit:
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18 December 2007
Affiliate Marketing Secrets/Making Money On The Internet
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007