Top 10 Hidden Secrets To Sell More Products
1. Make your reader visualize they have already
bought your product in your ad. Tell them what
results they have gotten and how it makes them
feel. They'll already become emotionally attached
before they buy.
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
2. Turn your ad into an article. It could be a story,
or how-to article. This will lead them into your ad
without them knowing it's an ad. They'll already be
interested when they get to your sales pitch.
3. Make sure you show your reader that they are
getting a bargain. Tell them the usual price you sell
your product for is $99. Then tell them if they
order today they can buy it for $69.95.
4. Direct your ad headline to your target audience.
Your readers will feel important and belong to a
select group of people who buy your product. For
example; "Attention! Accountants, Discover A
New Way To Increase Your Client Base!"
5. Tell your reader how fast they can receive your
product or service in your ad. Their buying decision
may be based on how fast they can receive your
product. They may need it by a certain deadline.
6. Use bullets to highlight your product or services
benefits. Benefits are the key to selling anything,
make them standout in your ad. You can use dots,
dashes, or circles to highlight them.
7. Give a money back guarantee that surpasses a
normal one. Instead of the normal timed guarantee,
give them extra back. Tell them they can keep the
free bonus or give them double their money back.
8. Tell your reader they'll receive surprise bonuses.
This'll raise your reader's curiosity and make them
want to buy so they can find out what the surprise
bonuses are.
9. Let your reader know this specific package will
not be offered again. You must create urgency so
people buy now. You may always sell the same
product but not with the same bonuses or price.
10. Give them a couple tips in your ad that will help
them with their problem. This will give your business
credibility and gain your readers trust to buy your
products or services.
Tags: business Google Diet Food
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To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
31 January 2008
Top 10 Hidden Secrets To Sell More Products
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Thursday, January 31, 2008
30 January 2008
Top 10 Search Engine Optimization Strategies For Your Website!
Although the concept of search engine optimization can be somewhat complex, there are a number of basic search engine optimization techniques you can use to improve your organic search results. Keep the following in mind when trying to achieve top rankings for your website.
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
1. Meta Tags.
Meta tags are simple lines of code at the top of your web page programming that tell search engines about your page. Include the title tag, keyword stag, description tag, and robots tag on each page.
2. Create and update your sitemap.
Developing a site map is a simple way of giving search engines the information they need to crawl your entire website. There are plenty of free software packages on the web that can help you generate a sitemap. Once you create a sitemap, submit it to Google and Yahoo.
3. Ensure that all navigation is in HTML.
All too often, navigational items are in the form of java script. Even though navigation technically still works in this format, it's not optimized. Create your navigation in HTML to enhance internal links throughout your website.
4. Check that all images include ALT text.
Your image's alt text is spidered by search engines. If you're not including your keywords in alt text, you're missing out on a huge opportunity for improved search engine result placements. Label all of your images properly.
5. Use Flash content sparingly.
Content generated through java script or flash is a big no-no. Some webmasters like to use flash because of the presentation. If you must, use it sparingly, but only after your site has been properly optimized with basic search engine optimization in mind.
6. Make sure that your website code is clean.
Keep in mind when optimizing a web page crawlers are basically only looking at your source code. When programming your web pages, having W3C compliant code can make all the difference. Run your code through a W3C validator before promoting.
7. Place keywords in your page content.
Search engines scan your website and web pages for keywords. Shoot for a keyword density of between two and eight percent. Google likes your page to be at the lower end of this scale and Yahoo at the upper end.
8. Submit your website to search engine directories.
It's always a good idea to let large search engine directories know that you're out there. Submit your website URL to directories like Google, Yahoo, and DMOZ.
9. Build links to your website.
Consider building a link exchange program or create one-way links to your site using articles or forum posts. All major search engines value the importance of your website based on how many others websites are linking to it.
10. Learn the basics.
Learning to optimize your website for search engines takes time and patience. Start by applying basic search engine optimization principles. If you're new to website optimization, or even a well seasoned veteran, begin by prioritizing which pages are most important to you and go from there. Soon you'll find yourself moving up the rankings.
Tags: website Search Engine google Affiliates Meals Britney Health
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Labels: Search Engine News
29 January 2008
How Google Creates The Description Of Your Website
How Google creates the description of your website for the result page. Having high rankings on search engines is a great thing. However, it's also important that your web pages are displayed with an attractive description in the search results. If the description is not appealing to web surfers then they might not click the link.
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
How do Google, Yahoo and MSN/Live create the descriptions and snippets that are used in the search results?
How Google creates descriptions and snippets
Google seems to use the description from the meta description tag if you search for a page by its URL, or if the searched keywords do not appear within the found page.
If the found web page doesn't have a meta description tag then Google seems to use the sentence that contains the searched keyword as the description.
If a web page is listed in the Open Directory Project ( then Google might also use the description that is used in the DMOZ directory.
How Yahoo creates descriptions and snippets
Yahoo seems to use only the first part of the meta description which is complemented by a text snippet from the searched page that contains the searched keyword.
If a web page doesn't have a meta description, Yahoo will use the description of the web page from Yahoo's directory (if the page is listed there).
If a web page has no meta description and is not listed in the Yahoo directory, then Yahoo will display sentences from the found web page that contain the searched keywords.
How MSN/Live creates descriptions and snippets
MSN/Live seems to use the first sentence that contains the searched keyword as the description. If the searched keyword does not appear on the page, MSN/Live seems to use the first sentence that appears on the page.
If available, MSN/Live will also use the DMOZ directory description in the results.
What does this mean for your web pages?
If you want to make sure that your web pages are listed with an appealing description in the search results, you should use meta descriptions on your web pages. If you don't want to use the description that is used in the Yahoo directory and on you should use the corresponding tags that prevent search engines from using these descriptions.
Tags: Creates Yahoo directory income Streams Meals angelina Exercise Chihuahua
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Posted by
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Labels: Search Engine News
26 January 2008
10 Incredible Ways To Keep Your Sales Soaring
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
1. Maximize the effectiveness of your banner ads.
Don't just use the same ad on every banner, use a
variety to attract the greatest number of clickers.
2. Make your web site load much faster by cutting
down on banner ads and start using more buttons.
Button ads are also smaller and take up less space.
3. Offer free advertising space to well known and
respected companies on your web site. Sometimes
people link their business credibility to yours.
4. People have been taught all their life to respect
people in authority. Tell your visitors that you are
the president or CEO of your business.
5. Offer people a free telephone consultation before
they order your product. When they get to know
you personally, it could convert to more sales.
6. Test the "bill me later option" on your web site.
Most people are honest and will pay you. It is a
powerful little niche and could increase your sales.
7. Find a charity your target audience would likely
support. Tell people on your ad copy that you will
give a percentage of the profits to that charity.
8. Hold a "buy the most wins contest" on your web
site. Tell people each monthly winner will get their
entire purchase refunded.
9. Attract visitors to your web site by offering them
a free course. You could package the course on
a follow-up autoresponder and send lessons daily.
10. Interview people related to your industry and
get their legal permission to convert it to an article.
Promote your web site by submitting it to ezines.
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Marketing Online Marketing body Income
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
Labels: Home Business
23 January 2008
10 High Powered Ways To Increase Your Traffic
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
1. Trade links with other web sites. They should be
related to the subject of your web site. Instead of
trading links, you could also trade banner ads, half
page ads, classified ads, etc.
2. Start an e-zine for your web site. When people
read each issue they'll be reminded to revisit your
web site. They'll see your product ad more than
just once which will increase your orders.
3. Form an online community. It could be an online
message board, e-mail discussion list or chat room.
When people get involved in your community they
will regularly return to communicate with others.
4. Write articles and submit them to e-zines, web
sites and magazines that accept article submissions.
Include your business information and web address
at the end of the article.
5. Give away an electronic freebie with your ad on
it. Allow your visitors to also give the freebie away.
This'll increase your ad exposure and attract people
to your web site at the same time.
6. Combine your products or services into one big
package deal with other businesses offerings. You
could share a web site and advertise the package
deal; which means double the traffic.
7. Submit your freebie to the online directories that
list your particular item or service for free. If you're
offering a free e-zine, submit it to all the free e-zine
directories on the internet.
8. Participate on message boards. Post answers to
other people's questions, ask questions and post
appropriate information. Include your signature file
at the end of all your postings.
9. Exchange classified or sponsor ads with other
free e-zine publishers. If there is a huge subscriber
difference between e-zines, one can run more ads
to make up for it.
10. Post your ad on free advertising areas on the
internet. You can post it on free classified ad sites,
free for all links sites, newsgroups that allow ads,
free yellow page directories, etc.
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Online Marketing Online Sales Grabbers
Posted by
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
21 January 2008
10 Heavy Duty Online Sales Grabbers
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
1. Give your prospects extra incentives so they will
order quicker. It could be free shipping, a faster
shipping option, free gift wrapping, etc.
2. Make your small business look big on the world
wide web. Design your web site using professional
graphics, ordering systems, organized layouts, etc.
3. Attract a lot more customers by giving them clear
ordering instructions. Give them all the information
they need so they can complete their order easily.
4. Give your customers buying incentives so they'll
make repeat purchases. Offer them discounts, free
gifts, bonus points, etc.
5. Tell people about your site whenever you get a
chance. Those people will tell other people and so
on. It's a cheap way to multiply your advertising.
6. Write and send press releases for your web site.
Use a strong headlines, make it newsworthy, and
tell the journalist why their readers would like it.
7. Use a lot of headlines on your web site and ezine.
Some types of headlines are free offers, questions,
problem solvers, sales, and statistics.
8. Design graphics, templates, buttons and banner
ads for other sites. Allow people to use them in
exchange for your web link on their home page.
9. Use time saving promotional software. You can
automate your search engine submissions, posting
to online classified sites, etc.
10. Advertise your online business by dressing in
clothes that are imprinted with your ad. It could be
a T-shirt, ball cap, coat, etc.
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
prospects search engine submission promotional software
free money making website NewMarketMachines
What's with Ezine articles
Posted by
Monday, January 21, 2008
20 January 2008
10 Eye Popping, Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets
1. Use a hand written letter on your ad copy instead
of text. Write the ad on a piece of paper, scan it and
publish the ad on your web page. Adding a personal
touch will always increase your sales.
2. Publish a list of famous and respected customers
who have bought from you on your a copy. People
will think that if these people bought from you, they
should also trust your business and purchase your
products. Make sure to get their permission first.
3. Show before and after photos for your products
on your web page copy. Show the problem picture
and then beside it, show the picture of the resolution
to the problem when they use your product.
4. Include an article or review that has been written
about you or your business with your ad copy. This
will show people that your business is respected and
will increase your credibility.
5. When you offer free bonuses in your ad copy, also
list the dollar value beside each bonus. People will
feel they're getting a good deal and it will increase the
value of your product.
6. Hire a famous person to endorse your product or
service. Make sure the person is well known to your
target audience. Include their picture and statements
on your ad copy.
7. Include your own picture on your ad copy. This
will show people that you're not hiding behind your
ad copy and will increase their trust. Also, include
your contact information below the picture and a
brief statement or quote.
8. Tell your potential customers on your ad copy
that you will donate a percentage of their purchase
price to specific charity. This will show them you
really care about the people. They may just buy
your product to donate to the charity.
9. Ask your potential customers plenty of yes and
no questions in your ad copy. The questions should
remind them of their problem and make them think
about what will happen if they don't purchase your
10. Tell your potential customers they will receive a
free prize if they find the five words in your ad copy
that are misspelled or spelled backwards. The longer
you can keep someone reading your copy the greater
chance of them purchasing.
potential customers work from home write
Posted by
Sunday, January 20, 2008
18 January 2008
Knol - Wikipedia's Rival
There's a new kid on the online block named Knol and even this early in the development stage, some people are already predicting that it could bring about yet another significant change to the way we share information on the Internet.
Knol is a new Web service being developed by Google that is meant to serve as a virtual storehouse of knowledge on the Internet. With content being contributed by various experts on different topics, it will behave much in the same way that Wikipedia does currently. In fact many industry experts have made the suggestion that Knol is set to become a direct competitor to Wikipedia and other similar types of web sites.
Google is of course the go to web site as far as search engines go, being the most popular search engine web site today by far. If Knol is as successful in drawing a widespread following as the developers hope, it could bring about the Google's transition from a search engine into a company that creates and publishes Web content.
Some industry observers warn that one problem that could potentially arise is that Google's objectivity in presenting search results could be compromised.
Knol – the name of which is derived from the word "knowledge" – is being developed to allow people to create Web pages on virtually any topic. When completed, it will include several features that will allow its users the ability to perform a number of tasks, such as submitting comments, rating individual web pages and suggesting changes.
We mentioned earlier in this article that Knol has been compared to Wikipedia by many industry analysts. While there are in fact many similarities between the two web services, the main difference is that Wikipedia allows virtually anyone to edit an entry while Knol only allows the author of each particular "knol," – which is what the individual pages in the service will be called – to do so. This means that the same topics could have many different authors with sometimes contrasting – or even competing – points of view.
Google has stated that the main thrust of the Knol project was to focus attention on authors who have sufficient expertise on particular topics. As vice president for engineering at Google Udi Manber wrote in the Google corporate blog recently, the Internet has evolved largely without the benefit of a standardized means to highlight the author's name on each web article. He goes on to say that the company believes that knowing who wrote a particular web article will considerably aid users make better use of the Internet and its various content.
Manber also stated that another important goal of Knol was to cover a wide range of topics, from the various sciences to health concerns to history. Eventually they hope to have Knol become the first stop for research on any topic. Today it is Wikipedia that provides that function and its web pages show up at the top of the results page of Google and many other search engines more often than not.
Some in the industry have suggested that this latest move of Google is driven by the unprecedented growth of web sites that combine knowledge resources such as Wikipedia, and that Google feels the need to have a strong presence in that particular area.
Wikipedia is by no means the only web site that offers that type of service. Many other companies have taken slightly different approaches in functioning as knowledge repositories on various topics on the Internet. These services include Squidoo, Yahoo Answers, and Mahalo.
In spite of the widespread popularity of these services – as well as the existence of many free tools that allow experts and regular people the means by which they can share their knowledge online – Manber said that Google feels that it is still not easy enough for the average user to do those things.
Interestingly, considering all the hype and excitement that is currently surrounding the news of Knol's existence, Google has refrained from discussing the project any further than these initial details, and have even said that it is still an experimental project at this time. This means that just like many other Google tests that never saw the light of day, Knol could end up never even being released publicly at all.
As for Wikipedia, site founder Jimmy Wales has downplayed his site's comparison with Knol, saying that while Wikipedia's goal is utmost objectivity in its content, with each individual article being the sum total of the collective knowledge of its various authors, Knol's model will likely result in highly opinionated and possible even contradictory articles on even the simplest of topics.
Another important distinction is that Wikipedia is a strictly non-profit web site that does not carry any type of advertising, while Knol is a decidedly more commercial venture, with its content authors earning revenue from any Google ads on their site.
Wikipedia's Yahoo Answers
Posted by
Friday, January 18, 2008
Labels: Search Engine News
17 January 2008
Discover 10 Explosive Ways To Turbo-Boost Your Sales
10 Explosive Ways To Turbo-Boost Your Sales
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
1. Design your web site to be a targeted resource
center. Choose one subject and build on it. You'll
gain repeat visitors that are interested in that topic.
2. Offer something that is really free. If people go
to your site and what you said was free really isn't,
you'll lose their trust and they won't buy anything.
3. Add a chat room or message board to your web
site. People want to interact with other people that
have they same interests as them.
4. Entice people to link to your web site by giving
them something free in return. This'll increase your
ranking in some search engines.
5. Trigger your reader's emotions in your ad copy.
Example, if you sell a book on gambling tips, tell
them the feelings they'll get when they win money.
6. Make sure your site looks good in all browsers.
You could be losing sales because it looks distorted
in some web browsers.
7. Increase your sales by e-mailing full page ads to
your e-zine subscribers. Remember to tell people
before they subscribe or they may consider it spam.
8. Ask people questions in your ad copy that make
them think about their problems. For example: Do
you want to be free of your debts?
9. Magnify the size of your prospects problem in
your ad; show how your product can solve it.
The bigger the problem, the more sales you'll have.
10. Invest a percentage of your profits right back
into your business. Spend it on marketing, product
improvement, customer service, advertising, etc.affiliates home base business internet
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Posted by
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Labels: Plugin Profits Part 2
16 January 2008
10 Electrifying Ways To Explode Your Orders In 2008
10 Electrifying Ways To Explode Your Orders In 2008
1. Persuade visitors to link to your web site. Give
them a freebie in exchange for them linking to your
web site. It could be content, software, etc.
2. Link to web sites that provide useful information
or services for your visitors. If you have many useful
links on your site, they may make it their start page.
3. Spice-up your web site's wording using plenty of
adjectives. It gives your visitors a clearer vision of
what your explaining or describing to them.
4. Don't make your banner ads look like ads. Most
people ignore banner ads. Design them to look like
content and have them click to read the rest.
5. Join affiliate programs that go with the theme of
your web site. You'll just be wasting valuable space
and time if your visitors aren't interested in them.
6. Market your web site as a free club instead of
a web site. This'll increase your repeat visitors and
sales because people enjoy belonging to groups.
7. Interact with your online customers on a regular
basis. This'll show them you care about them. You
could use a chat room, forum or message system.
8. Check your web site links regularly. After people
click on one link, and it doesn't work, they usually
won't risk wasting their time clicking on another one.
9. Give visitors a positive experience when they're
at your web site. Provide them with original content
and free stuff. They'll tell all of their friends about it.
10. Share customers with other businesses that have
the same target audience. Offer their product to your
customers if, in exchange they do the same for you.
Quote of the Day:
"Education is not the piling on of learning, information,
data, facts, skills, or abilities--that's training or
instruction--but is rather a making visible what is hidden
as a seed... To be educated, a person doesn't have to know
much or be informed, but he or she does have to have been
exposed vulnerably to the transformative events of an
engaged human life... One of the greatest problems of our
time is that many are schooled but few are educated." --
Thomas Moore
visitors affiliate
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Posted by
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
15 January 2008
10 Effective Ways To Reduce Your Business Costs
10 Effective Ways To Reduce Your Business Costs
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
1. Barter
If you have a business you should be bartering goods
and services with other businesses. You should try to
trade for something before you buy it. Barter deals
usually require little or no money.
2. Network
Try networking your business with other businesses.
You could trade leads or mailing lists. This will cut
down on your marketing and advertising costs. You
may also try bartering goods and services with them.
3. Wholesale/Bulk
You'll save money buying your business supplies in
bulk quantities. You could get a membership at a
wholesale warehouse or buy them through a mail
order wholesaler. Buy the supplies you are always
running out of.
4. Free Stuff
You should try visiting the thousands of freebie sites
on the internet before buying your business supplies.
You can find free software, graphics, backgrounds,
online business services etc.
5. Borrow/Rent
Have you ever purchased business equipment you
only needed for a small period of time? You could
have just borrowed the equipment from someone
else or rented the equipment from a "rent-all" store.
6. Online/Offline Auctions
You can find lower prices on business supplies and
equipment at online and offline auctions. I'm not
saying all the time, but before you go pay retail for
these items try bidding on them first.
7. Plan Ahead
Make a list of business supplies or equipment you'll
need in the future. Keep an eye out for stores that
have big sales. Purchase the supplies when they go
on sale before you need them.
8. Used Stuff
If your business equipment and supplies don't need
to be new, buy them used. You can find used items
at yard and garage sales, used stores, used stuff
for sale message boards and newsgroups etc.
9. Negotiate
You should always try negotiate a lower price for
any business equipment or supplies. It doesn't hurt
to try. Pretend you are talking to a salesman at a car
10. Search
You can always be searching for new suppliers for
your business supplies and equipment. Look for
suppliers with lower prices and better quality. Don't
just be satisfied with a few.
Quote of the Day:
"It is courage, courage, courage, that raises the blood of
life to crimson splendor. Live bravely and present a brave
front to adversity." -- Horace
business marketing autopilotkings
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Posted by
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
14 January 2008
The Secret Sauce of Google Success
Can the Search Engines Read and "Crawl" All the Pages and Content on Your Site?
What do you need to get top rankings on Google? There are many ingredients in the mix, but here are three of the most important that you need to concentrate on.
1.) Keyword Relevant Copy and Content.
Whatever the keywords you want to get ranked in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), be sure that you have enough copy and content about those specific words which will give Google a reason to rank you in the first place.
If for example, one of your priority keywords is "virtual assistant software", create a separate page or section for this keyword (at least a few paragraphs) using the keyword in the headline, the first sentence, the last sentence as well as wherever it makes logical sense in order to achieve the keyword frequency and "density" that search engines are looking for. Ideally, each page will only have one or two keywords and will be very focused on that specific topic.
Additionally, by including on this specific keyword page either articles, pdf files or news items about your keyword, it will help you improve your chances of a better ranking. Give Google a reason to rank you at the top. He with the most relevant copy wins - so make it rich and deep.
2.) Can the Search Engines Read and "Crawl" All the Pages and Content on Your Site?
Probably the biggest surprise to most marketers is that the search engines are unable to either navigate or read most of the content on their website. If they can't read your copy, then it's not surprising that you're not getting the rankings or traffic to your website that you aspire to.
The only thing a search engine can read is words. Sites that are dynamic, or created in other formats such as Flash or Java often can't be read by the search engines. Even if they can read the content on your site, many times they can't navigate it properly or just bounce "off the walls" as there are no specific links or site map to tell the proper sequence or where to go next.
Want to see what Google is indexing on your website? Go to Google and type in: . This will show you the title and description of the pages of your site they know about. If they are all the same or they don't have a title or description listed, chances are very good that your site is invisible to your target market.
3) Links... Why Are They So Important?
Link popularity is one of the most important factors search engines use in determining where you will rank in the search engine for your keywords and phrases, as it helps them to determine how important or popular your site is and what it's reputation is. In essence the search engines are saying "we're going to give top ranking to pages that have important and relevant sites linking to them".
Link Building is the process of finding related/relevant websites and receiving a link from them to you. Natural linking occurs when a site has good content that others will link to. But to get these links people have to know about you. It is a catch 22. Building links has gotten sophisticated in the last couple of years. Today you need a mixture of links from many sources including articles, press releases, social bookmarks, directories and social media sites.
How many links do you need to have? It depends on the individual keyword or phrase you want to be found under and how the links are structured. The search engines look at inbound links as a popularity contest but more importantly, they are looking at the quality of the pages that are linking to you and the "anchor text" - the "clickable link" and what it says about the page that it links to. The key to linking is to have the right anchor text on a link that points to a page that has content using the same keyword phrase.
You do not want to boost the overall number of links by more than 10-15% each month for an established site with history because this may trigger a filter from the search engines as an indicator of artificially inflated link popularity. New sites have an advantage since there has not been a history established and the link building can be done at a faster rate. Linking is critical not only with your search engine placement, but also because it helps stabilize you positions in the search engines and delivers traffic directly from the sites that link to you. But linking is not a once and you are done process. Generating new links is an ongoing process.
In summary, successfully implementing the above 3 strategies either through your efforts or through employing search engine promotion specialists will deliver the "triple punch" and the knockout punch you need to get top rankings on Google and the other search engines as well.
Technorati Tags: affiliate
make Money on the internet
Posted by
Monday, January 14, 2008
13 January 2008
Small business resolutions for 2008
Small business resolutions for 2008
It's that time of year again when we make resolutions in our personal lives that help guide us into the New Year.
Hopefully, for most of us, we'll follow through and achieve all of our resolutions - even if we do fall off the wagon once or twice.
As a small business owner, this is also the perfect time of year to make a list of resolutions of things you can do to help grow your business in the coming year. Think of it as reinforcing your business plan - or in some cases, rewriting your business plan to take advantage of new opportunities.
Let's take a look at five resolutions that you can make for 2008 to grow and solidify your business.
Resolution #1: Backup your data.
Backup, Backup, Backup. What would happen to your business come tomorrow if you woke up and found out that your computer with all your finances, customer information and invoices had died? All too often small businesses don't back up their data and as a result their computer turns into a ticking time bomb. In 2008 resolve to make better use of backup software and other technology that helps keep you protected from the failure that will happen sooner or later. Take advantage of new technology that allows for automatic, off-site backups that protect you even further by storing your critical data at another location. Most of these packages are available for a nominal fee and are worth their weight in gold when disaster strikes.
Resolution #2: Invest in customer relationship software.
Turn your customer data into something you can use to help you grow your business. So many companies store their customer data in spreadsheets or in files scattered across the office. Customer Relationship Management software (CRM is the industry slang) helps you manage your customer relationships and track not only their orders but also their interaction with you via phone, e-mail or other means. With a few clicks you can find out who your most valuable customers are, which ones are consuming large amounts of your time and which ones are prospects for growth in the upcoming year. There are many packages on the market that can help you with this, ranging from off-the-shelf varieties that can suit most business needs and are available at your local office supply store to fully customizable one from big vendors such as Microsoft and Oracle. Take some time this New Year to read up more on CRM software and learn how it can be a valuable tool in managing your customers and your business.
Resolution #3: To Read More Click Here
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Technorati Tags: 2008resolutions
accounting college
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Sunday, January 13, 2008
10 Boundless Ways To Anchor Down More Sales
1. Multiply your marketing and advertising efforts
on the Internet. You can accomplish this by starting
an affiliate program or using viral marketing.
2. Increase your ratio of visitors that purchase your
product(s). You could change your headline, offer a
stronger guarantee, add testimonials, etc.
3. Find out who are your strongest leads for buying
your product by offering a free ezine. The visitors
that are very interested will subscribe to it.
4. Team up with your competition by starting an
association for your specific industry. It could lead
to a profitable partnership with them.
5. Publish an e-zine for your employees. This could
motivate them to do a better job or fill them in on
were your business is headed
6. Search for your business' name in newsgroups
and discussion boards. Some of the comments you
find could help you improve your business
7. Attract people to link to your web site. You could
offer them a discount on the products you sell or
give them free stuff for linking.
8. Develop your own opt in email list by giving your
visitors a reason to give you their e-mail address.
Allow them sign up to free stuff and contests.
9. Create a "PR" web page for your business. List
information that could be considered newsworthy
for e-zines, newspapers, magazines, etc.
10. Give your business and products credibility by
linking to web sites that have written positive stories
about your business.
Quote of the Day:
"...if the next generation is to face the future with zest
and self-confidence, we must educate them to be original as
well as competent." -- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Technorati Tags: How to Market online marketing and advertising
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Sunday, January 13, 2008
11 January 2008
Pay Per Clicks Ads The Terrible 10 Mistakes
Mistakes Of Pay Per Click Advertising: The Terrible 10
Vigilance, micromanaging and attention to detail can help you avoid some common and costly mistakes of PPC advertising. What are those mistakes?
Here are the terrible 10 that are typical to most pay per click campaigns.
Too Many Keywords Per Ad Group
It's important to target your ad to be as relevant as possible. Don't group all your keywords into one or two ad groups. Break them out. Keep them tight. This gives you more control over ad variables so that you can be as relevant as possible.
Not Using Negative Keywords
Negative keywords reduce unwanted impressions, and more importantly, unwanted click throughs. However, with increasing priority given to "quality scores" and click through rates in the PPC engines, it's key to trim the fat from your keyword campaigns. If your company sells "widget management software" then be sure that you have keywords like "-serial" or "-free" assigned as negative keywords (unless, of course, you offer it for free in some manner). You can find good negative keywords in your log files or when you build your lists.
Weak Testing
Split-testing your ads is critical. Even the smallest of changes can boost results. In addition to testing your ad copy's "call to action" or value statements, every ad has multiple variables to test. The titles, the two lines of copy, and display url all can be optimized. If you don't have time for hands-on testing, a good professional pay per click management company can run daily split testing for you. You'd be surprised how well this can pay off.
Poor or Non-Existent Tracking
Of course, testing your ads and fine tuning your keyword lists only works well if you are tracking results. The search engines will tell you what your click-through rates are ... but you need bottom-line results. You need to know your return on investment or what your cost per action is. It's not enough to know that you spend $5,000 and get back $10,000. You might be able to spend only $3,000 and get that same $10,000.
Not Getting Keyword-Level Tracking
Proper and exact analytics or using an experienced pay per click management company is essential to get the data you need. If you have keywords that are not performing and leaking your account on a daily basis, you are throwing money away. Getting results to the keyword level allows you to adjust bids for maximum effect. If you have one keyword with a $1.34 earnings per click and another at 37 cents, this is key information that allows you to maximize profits. Lower one bid if you are above your "EPC" and raise another to eek out more profits from that sweet-spot keyword. Don't waste money on a daily basis.
Not Specific Enough Keywords
Some broad and generic keywords can certainly push a ton of traffic to your site. They may even be very successful. Often, however, they can also do just the opposite -- drain your funds with poor results. A user searching on one of these generic phrases is often doing research in an early part of the buying process. Knowing your keyword-level results and filtering out bad variations with negative keywords can help you get a true read on these generic keywords.
Not Going After Long-Tail Keywords
This follows the above item on generic keywords. Building a list and individual ads for the long-tail keywords can be a major time-sucker. It can also be profitable if the task is performed correctly. Those earnings per click will likely vary widely from a generic keyword like "mp3 player", "sony mp3 player" and "sony 2GB S610 walkman video mp3 player". One consumer is doing research, the other knows what they want and is most likely looking to purchase.
Not Separating Content and Search Networks
An easy way to get scorched on poor performing traffic or even click fraud is to not separate your search network ads from your content network ads. Chances are that if you don't know what the difference is, then they are likely not separated in your account -- and bad keywords are leaking your funds daily. You are better off to build different campaigns for your keywords on the content and search networks.
Not Attracting Local Clients Through Geo Targeting
If you draw most of your business from a local area, the big three PPC engines allow you to geo-target your keywords to that area. This will bring the local market to your doorstep on non-local keyword phrases. This can be hugely profitable.
Not Frequently Monitoring Your Accounts
Not everyone has time to run split testing on a daily basis or frequently checking your EPCs (even though you should...because it's costing you). That said, there are still a high amount of advertisers who seem to ignore their accounts for days ... or even weeks ... or (don't tell me you're doing this!) months. The big PPC search engines are increasingly cracking down on poor performing keywords, smacking advertisers with that "Inactive for Search" status for individual keywords. When this happens, you lose traffic, you lose profits. If you are investing heavily in PPC, you can't just turn your back on your account for days at a time.
The Terrible 10 of Pay Per Click Advertising is a lot to consider, but it's vital for healthy pay per click campaigns. Whether you can actively manage your PPC accounts at this level or you need to hire a pay per click management company to do it, vigilance and precision can make a huge impact on your bottom line.
Technorati Tags: Advertising
Internet Marketing
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
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Friday, January 11, 2008
10 January 2008
Business Optimization Specialist Stephen Pierce
Here Is A powerful message from A friend Of Mine Stephen Pierce and Yanik Silver
Power to Create Profits - Sales Cycle Optimization
In this episode of Power to Create Profits, business optimization specialist Stephen Pierce talks about how to optimize sales for your business by looking at the five key steps in the sales cycle: awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption.
Just Follow These Simple Steps And You Are On Your Way To Massive Internet Profits
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Technorati Tags: Specialist
Power to Create Profits - Sales Cycle Optimization
sales cycle
utube videoblogging
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
9 January 2008
Marketing Tips for 2008
Top 10 Internet
Marketing Tips for 2008
Internet Marketing has grown phenomenally over the last few years but the shift has quite clearly moved to a market that is driven by the consumer and that is no longer dictated by journalists and corporates. Online consumers are responding more favourably to non-intrusive, relevant and socially attractive campaigns and have quite frankly had enough of intrusive, forced online advertising campaigns.
The top 10 internet marketing tips for 2008 are:
1. Optimize your website's content
2. Create a content development strategy for your website
3. Invest in a paid search (pay-per-click) campaign
4. Publicize your website through article marketing
5. Develop a social media marketing strategy
6. Create a Company Blog
7. Experiment with video marketing
8. Engage your audiences with web widget marketing
9. Discover the benefits of mobile marketing
10. Create an effective email marketÃng strategy
Let's look at each of these in more detail:-
1. Optimize Your Website's Content:
First and foremost, get your website content right. Make sure it is easily read by both humans and search engines. An essential variable applied by Search Engines in the way in which they rank websites is based on the relevancy of the content that the search engine is indexing.
2. Create a Content Development Strategy for Your Website:
In addition to optimizing the existing content on your website, it is essential that you develop a strategy to continuously grow your website's content on an ongoing basis. All new content should be written specifically with the web reader in mind and should also be optimized for the search engines.
3. Invest in a Paid Search (Pay-Per-Click) Campaign:
When you pay for traffic (visitors) that click on your advertisements that are being advertised on search engines, this is called pay-per-click or search engine advertising. Paid search allows you to quickly leverage search engine traffic by bidding for keywords that are related to the products or services that you promote and sell on your website. Paid search advertising is particularly beneficial to companies who are not yet well ranked on search engines through natural search.
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
blogs yahoo
makemoney apple
affiliate workfromhome
Posted by
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Labels: Marketing Tips for 2008
8 January 2008
Making Real Money
10 Benefits Of Submitting Articles To E-zines
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself
by submitting articles to e-zines. You could include
your name, business name, your credentials, web site
address and e-mail address in your resource box.
2. You will become known as an expert on the topics
you write about. This will give you and your business
extra credibility which will help you compete against
your competition.
Get your FREE copy of
"Dotcomology - The Science of Making Money Online"
to give you a push start I myself find this book
very good
3. Your article might also be placed on the publisher's
home page. If they publish each issue on their home
page this will give you some extra exposure.
4. You might get extra exposure if the e-zine publisher
archives their e-zine on their site. People might want
to read the back issues before they make the decision
to subscribe.
5. You will get free advertising. This will allow you to
spend your profits on other forms of advertising. You
could buy advertisements in other e-zines that don't
publish your articles.
6. You might get extra income from people wanting to
hire you to write other articles, books, or even ask to
speak at seminars. This is a great way to multiply your
7. You could allow e-zine publishers to publish your
articles in their free e-books. Since people give them
away, your advertising could multiply all over the
8. You will get your article published all over the web
when you submit it to an e-zine publisher that has a
free content directory on their web site. They'll allow
their visitors to republish your article.
9. You'll gain people's trust. If they read your article
and like it, they won't be as hesitant to buy your
product or service. You will then be able to increase
your profits.
10. You could get your article guaranteed to run in
an e-zine. You could agree to run one of their articles
in your e-zine if, in exchange, they run yours in their
e-zine. It's a win/win situation.
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Posted by
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Labels: Dotcomology Free Download
Make Money On The Internet
10 Awesome Ways To Attract More Orders
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
1. Create a free ebook directory on a specific topic
at your web site. People will visit your web site to
read the free ebooks and may see your product ad.
2. Turn part of your web site into a members only
web site. Instead of charging for access, use it as
a free bonus for one of your products.
3. Add a free classified ad section to your web site.
You could then trade banner ads with other web
sites that have free classified ad sections.
4. Create two versions of your e-zine so people
can choose if they want ads included with it or not.
This'll attract the people who hate ads to subscribe.
5. Publish your e-zine only on your web site. Have
people subscribe to a "new issue" e-mail reminder.
This could really increase your traffic and sales.
6. Sell advertising space in your product package.
You could sell inserts, flyers, brochures, booklets,
and digital ads for electronic products.
7. Offer daily or weekly visitor bonuses. This will
increase your repeat traffic and sales because your
visitors will visit regularly to get the visitor bonuses.
8. Allow people to download software or e-books
from your web site at no cost. Just ask your visitors
in return if they'll refer their friends to your web site.
9. Build up the number of people that join your free
affiliate program quickly by temporally offering your
product for free to the people that sign up.
10. Negotiate with e-zine publishers to get free or
discounted ads by letting them join your affiliate
program and earn commissions on the ad you run.
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Posted by
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Labels: Make Money On The Internet
7 January 2008
Social Bookmarking and Power Linking
Just in case you missed it... the Web has changed.
I think a little history of the Internet is in order to grasp the big picture. I'm not going to give any dates (late eighties and early 90's)... I'll just give a quick run down.
I would say nearly fifteen years ago I had a dial up Internet connection that allowed me to log into various College computers, BBS's (bulletin boards) and Newsgroups.
The Internet was much different than the Web is today. There were no graphics... it was totally text based and everything was dial up. All you could do was basically post to a newsgroup, post messages on some BBS's and send email. Internet Marketing as we know it today did not exist.
In time though - a few brave souls ventured out of the shadows and began marketing within the newsgroups. This started wars between the "Purists" and new "Marketers" that I still remember to this day.
You see, the Purists considered the Internet to be their own little playground. They viewed anyone selling something as evil. After all... Marketers had the TV, the Radio, Magazines, Newspapers, etc, etc as an avenue in which to sell their crap. "The Internet is ours" was their battle cry.
They viewed the Internet as a way for them to communicate with each other without having to wade through all the BS advertising - and they could control what was being said. When the evil "Marketer" entered the picture, this all changed - and it changed quickly.
Once the evil Marketer had discovered the Internet as a new marketing medium, the "Purity" of the Internet, newsgroups and BBS's was destroyed forever.
The Internet was now becoming just another medium for Marketers to sell their wares. It was inevitable and only a matter of time before this happened. But the Purists fought it tooth and nail.
The Newsgroups and BBS's were now inundated and overrun with advertising. There was so much spam that you could hardly follow a thread or make sense of it. The thread may have started out discussing a subject such as "Microsoft DOS" as it's first post... but it was hard to make sense of it as the evil Marketers would post "off topic" spam ads trying to sell their wares throughout the threads.
Posted by
Monday, January 07, 2008
6 January 2008
Passive Success
The Key to Passive Success
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
In regard to making money on the Internet, everyone is always
looking for the quick fix. They want to sign up for a program,
place an advertisement, and make hundreds or thousands of dollars
instantly. While this may be possible depending on your
circumstances, the most direct and guaranteed path to success on
the Internet is to stick with the fundamentals.
A friend of mine who is an athletic coach for kids in the city
where I live reminded me of this lesson. This guy is actually so
passionate about kids and athletics that he coaches 4 different
sports: basketball, soccer, baseball and football. Of course, he
has a kid of his own on each team. But what is remarkable about
this guy is the results he gets with his teams.
He was recruited to coach the 8th grade football team where his
children go to school. After 27 years of losing seasons in a row,
the first year my friend became the head coach the team won the
district championship and repeated their championship run the
following year. This past weekend he coached 12 different games
and won all 12 of them. As you can tell, this guy is extremely
But the funny thing is that he and the kids he coaches are not
totally hung up on winning. If they lose a game, they feel
equally good about themselves as they would if they had won. What
matters most to them is how well they played and lived up to
their potential as a team.
The real question is how my friend's teams continually perform
on such a high level and beat nearly anyone they play even though
they are often smaller and younger than their competitors. I
asked this question to my friend the other day and he told me
that it's all in the fundamentals.
In his practices, all he works on with his kids is keeping a
positive mindset and practicing the fundamentals. He told me that
his teams never scrimmage or strategize about upcoming games
during practice. They simply work hard on all the fundamentals of
whatever particular sport they are playing and do so more than
any other team they play. This constant practice and improvement
of the fundamentals is what allows his teams to progress faster
than his competitors. While most other teams get caught up with
how to win, out-strategize, be stronger than and intimidate their
opponents, my friend's team is just so good at the basics that
they blow everyone out of the water when game day arrives.
This got me thinking about my own Internet business and why I've
been able to succeed on such a high level while most others who
have tried to do what I do have failed. The answer is not really
Most people who try to build a successful Internet home business
are looking for the quick fix. They want it to work IMMEDIATELY
and so they usually fall prey to business opportunities that
promise to help them get rich overnight and advertising scams
that promise to deliver thousands of hungry prospects to their
website in the next 24 hours. Of course, these opportunistic
schemes are really just geared to steal people's hard earned
money. You see, when someone is desperate and looking for an
INSTANT solution, they will often be taken advantage of and their
chances for success with an Internet home business are slim to
However, while there are thousands of business opportunities on
the Internet and millions of different ways to advertise and
promote your website, I personally practice the fundamentals in
my Internet home business. I do this by sticking with the
business opportunities I've joined for the long haul and
promoting my website consistently with simple, affordable and
easily maintained Internet marketing techniques.
In fact, one of the techniques that works best for me is writing
articles like this one and getting them published on other
people's websites using article syndication tools and software
found online.
By writing articles and getting them published on other websites
online using powerful tools like those mentioned above, I'm able
to get my name and website address in front of thousands of
people without paying a dime in advertising. Of course, the key
to this strategy is that I write and distribute articles
consistently in this way. It's one of those "fundamentals"
that doesn't cost anything but a little time and effort. Fact
is, it's this price of time and effort that most people are
unwilling to pay. They'll gladly part with hundreds or even
thousands of dollars, but ask them to do a little hard work and
they say "No way."
It's this understanding that can separate you from the pack. If
you are willing to practice the fundamentals of your business
faithfully and consistently, you will be destined to succeed on a
high level. But if you can't and you're only looking for the
quick fix, you have already lost the game before you even set
foot on the field.
Even pros like me practice the fundamentals every day. In fact,
especially pros like me practice the fundamentals. The moment I
stop practicing the fundamentals is the moment I stop being a
pro. Think about this carefully and then renew YOUR commitment to
the fundamentals of your Internet home business today. Do this
and you will soar past your competition.
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Posted by
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Labels: Passive Income Streams
5 January 2008
Passive Income
The Enormous Power of Past Success
Copyright © Donohugh Magnus
I was checking my voice mail yesterday and received a message
that was short and sweet. It said: "My name is Ken Shapiro. I'm
the writer, director, producer and star of the motion picture
'The Groove Tube'. Please call me back at ..."
Interesting. The writer, director, producer and star of a motion
My curiosity was aroused so I went to Google and looked up "The
Groove Tube". I discovered that Ken Shapiro was indeed all of
the things he said he was and that Chevy Chase, a very famous
American actor, had is debut film appearance in the movie. My
mind determined that Ken Shapiro was a force to be reckoned with
so I gave him a call.
It turns out that Ken found me online and was seeking some
guidance on how to promote his new project at "Bed Books" is a very interesting
innovation and I must admit that I've often wanted to lay on my
side in bed and read a book, but that's not a very comfortable
thing to do. Thus, Ken's unique idea and business has the
potential to really take off.
In our brief conversation, we exchanged pleasantries and I gave
Ken a few tips on getting publicity for his site. He's obviously
a guy who takes action on his ideas so I expect that he'll take
the information I gave him and put it into motion immediately. If
so, you'll be hearing a lot more about Ken and in
the near future. In exchange for my time and advice, Ken said he
is sending me a "Bed Book" to try out.
What's interesting about my conversation with Ken is my
motivation for having it in the first place. Considering that I
receive an overwhelming amount of voice mails every single day
and that I'm rarely able to call anyone back on the phone
personally, why did I choose to pick up the phone and call Ken on
my dime?
The answer is because Ken had established that he was already
successful. Because of the accomplishment of making "The Groove
Tube" movie in which Chevy Chase appeared back in 1972 I
determined that calling Ken would be, at the very least,
interesting. I also sensed that there could be the possibility
for me to benefit in some way because I perceived Ken to be
powerful and influential.
I was right. Ken is powerful. He's a doer. He makes things
happen and I respect him for that. In this world, it's the
dreamers that take action and persist until they succeed that get
my attention. That's why I called Ken and that's also why he
was able to benefit from a free consultation with me. In that
discussion, I gave Ken some very specific advice for marketing
his website that has the potential to bring him all the business
he can handle.
The point to take home is that Ken's previous success in the
movie business made it a lot easier for him to get the
information and resources he needs to succeed in his new venture.
In other words, past success has power.
When I first started my Internet business it was not easy. In
fact, it was downright difficult. I spent thousands of dollars on
credit trying to learn the game and acquire the tools I needed to
build my business. Everything was expensive and the people who I
thought could help me grow my business the most wouldn't give me
the time of day. I was a nobody in this world.
However, I was persistent and by leveraging my financial and
creative resources I was finally able to make my first sale
online. Once that occurred, I simply focused on what I did right
and did more of it. My sales continued to grow and I was becoming
From those initial small successes, I was able to continue
building my knowledge. I realized that once I had knowledge, I
could share it. By sharing my knowledge with others, I was able
to become an expert. As an expert, people were attracted to me.
Through that attraction, I was able to sell more goods and
services. I was becoming *very* successful.
Then other experts got attracted to me. They started giving me
their products and services for free. They were also open to the
possibility of working together. The same products and services
that I could barely afford in the beginning of my career and the
same people who wouldn't give me the time of day before, were
now becoming as freely available to me as oxygen itself.
Why? The answer is simple. I was already successful.
Is it easier for the rich to get richer? Absolutely. Is it easier
for successful people to become more successful? Definitely. The
momentum has already been established. Money attracts more money
and success attracts greater success.
Before you get cynical, first consider the fact that most of the
rich and successful people in this world started with nothing but
their ideas and enthusiasm. They were able to use that energy and
put it into motion to create their own success.
In most cases, the path they traveled was riddled with moments of
confusion, struggle and failure. But they persisted and with each
small success their path got easier and easier to travel until
they eventually paved it and turned that path into a "success
super-highway" that now allows them to travel and succeed with
The enormous power of past success is that it can and will
catapult you toward greater success in the future. Use everything
in your power right now to create some initial success and then
roll that success forward to create more success in your life.
You will ultimately discover this is a very easy thing to do.
About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Coach Donohugh Magnus helps beginners and the advanced marketer. Claim your FREE newsletter with hundreds of "killer" promotional tips and tricks from
Posted by
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Labels: Passive Income Streams